Facemyer Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC repairs’

When Should You Get Your Compressor Repaired?

Monday, November 8th, 2021

For anyone out there who might be unfamiliar, the compressor is the central most important component of your air conditioner. While yes, many components are important to the cooling process, the compressor represents the heart of your AC unit and the component responsible for actually cooling the air in your home. Without this vital part, your air conditioner would just be one oversized fan!

Today, we’d like to talk a bit more about a question that homeowners often ask us. If you run into a problem with your air conditioner and it turns out that you need expensive AC repairs in Sanford, FL made on the compressor, is it worth it? Or should you just get your whole system replaced for the best long-term investment?

We appreciate how you’re thinking about this! But the answer might depend on a lot of different factors, and we’ll be getting into each of these down below.

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