The One Thing Homeowners Get Wrong About Heating Repairs

hot vs cold thermometer

Your heater isn’t doing okay right now (otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this), but you might have it a little twisted. In fact, it might not be a problem with your heater at all. Wild, right? When you’re the one responsible for footing the bill, and you’re the one living with the lack of heating, you’re prone to jump to conclusions and panic since this is a big issue for your home. We’re here to say that you don’t have to.

If it comes down to it, you have us for heating repair in Sanford, but the problem might be fixable on your end in the first place. Let’s explain how.

It May Not Be Your Heater at All

The culprit of your heater problems might be something you already interact with on a daily basis–your thermostat. The thermostat is responsible for reading the temperature of the room, and then pairing it against the temperature you set. As needed, it sends either an “ON” or an “OFF” signal to the heater so it knows when to fire up, and when to settle down.

Since your heater relies on your thermostat and can’t tell what temperature it is, it looks like it’s broken simply because it’s not receiving proper instructions. Now it’s time to tell if your thermostat is broken, or just needs to be realigned.

When It’s a Non-Issue

A non-issue means there’s no actual dire problem that needs fixing, but that doesn’t mean that your thermostat won’t need tweaking now and again. Within the manual that came with your thermostat, there should be instructions on how to calibrate it.

If you don’t have this manual, you can usually find a PDF of the manual on the manufacturer’s website or somewhere on the internet. If you’re not comfortable with calibrating your thermostat on your own, you can call us to help.

Annual Heater Maintenance Helps Set Expectations for Your Heater

Annual maintenance doesn’t just affect your heater, but it also affects your thermostat. We check that out during maintenance appointments as well. The best part about getting maintenance? You can know that it’s very unlikely that your heater is on the fritz if you just had that maintenance appointment–it helps you point a finger at the thermostat and be in-the-know about possible problems. It’s one of the many reasons we implore you to schedule a standing annual appointment.

Let’s Get That Heater Fixed

It could be one problem or one of a thousand–it’s impossible to diagnose over the internet in any sense, so why try? Give us a call today and we’ll get you on our schedule as soon as possible, and get a technician out to your home to find out the root cause of the problem. We’ll keep you in the loop the entire time so you know what went wrong, what to expect, and how we can fix it for you.

Contact Facemyer Air Conditioning and Heating today to schedule your heating or thermostat repair as soon as possible.

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