Retain Your AC Warranty with These Three Tips

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Warranties are interesting, and honestly, we could write several blog posts about them. However, you’re probably more concerned with how much money they’ll save you, or how much they’ll help you with your AC repairs. This is exactly why we’re tailoring this blog post directly to you. Let’s talk about warranties.

Depending on the type of warranty you have, from a full system warranty to a parts or labor warranty, it’s going to require specific things be done for your air conditioner. For instance, any time you get an unlicensed amateur to perform AC repair in Sanford, FL for you, you could void your warranty and cause problems for yourself down the line.

So, in the spirit of avoiding disaster, we’re going to give you three nifty tips on how you can extend your system’s warranty for as long as possible to ensure you get the most bang for your buck!

Tip #1: Schedule Routine Maintenance

We talk about routine maintenance a lot, but it’s for a very good reason. Maintenance helps extend the lifespan of your air conditioner, ensures it works as efficiently as possible, and gives you the maximum level of cooling power your system can possibly provide. If these reasons aren’t enough to convince you to invest in maintenance—here’s one more.

Your air conditioner’s warranty can be voided when you skip yearly maintenance. Unfortunately for homeowners, manufacturers and service providers only want to provide protection for homeowners that are providing the bare minimum amount of care for an air conditioner. This makes sense, since it’s easier to repair a system that’s well-maintained. If your unit is maintained and you’ve got a warranty, then everyone wins!

Tip #2: Always Work with Qualified Professionals

Working with an amateur or a family friend might seem like a good idea when you think about the money you’ll save. However, if you allow someone who isn’t qualified to work on your AC, you could be voiding the warranty of your system. Many AC warranties specifically state that only a licensed and qualified professional should be the one performing any repairs or maintenance on the system. So be careful, and make sure you’re making the smart move by calling a team of well-trained, experienced, and qualified professionals!

Tip #3: Do NOT Try Any DIY Repairs

Look, we understand that some homeowners in our area are incredibly handy. If you need a desktop computer built from parts, or a car’s oil changed, then you might be able to find some robust tutorials online that give you just enough information to do it correctly. All we’re concerned about is your air conditioner, and the warranty that comes with it.

Tutorials online might seem simple, but the moment you open up your AC to perform work yourself, you’re risking not only the longevity, efficiency, and ability of your AC to cool your home, but you’re also voiding your warranty. No money saved on a DIY repair is ever worth the money you’ll lose from having your warranty voided.

Call Facemyer Air Conditioning and Heating today. Exceeding Your Expectations With Comfort.

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