Our End of Summer AC Replacement Guide

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There are a lot of costs that go into owning a home. Not even considering the costs of living in general, there are probably many aspects of your house that you’d like to have replaced or repaired. There’s the basement you’re trying to finish, the kitchen you desperately need to remodel, and perhaps the windows need to be replaced. Nobody has the budget to pay for everything all at once, which is why it’s important to prioritize the necessary expenditures from the ones that can wait.

However, when it comes to AC system replacement in Lake Mary, FL, this might be a more important priority than you think. Our spring, summer, and fall seasons are very hot, and they come every single year, right on schedule. Without having a powerful air conditioner to combat these temperature fluctuations, you might be very uncomfortable and unhappy. So, perhaps it’s time to consider replacing your old system!

Don’t Replace It If You Don’t Need To

Air conditioner replacement can be expensive, especially when it’s done professionally. That means you’ll want to make sure that your budget can allow for it. While we want to be clear that your air conditioner might need replacement, ultimately it is going to be up to you to make the final decision. We understand that certain other safety or efficiency measures might take the cake in terms of high priority, but don’t count air conditioning replacement out.

Reasons to Replace Your AC

Here are a few reasons to invest in AC replacement. If you check off any of these boxes, then we urge you to get in touch with us to schedule a consultation.

  • Age. Air conditioners are meant to last between 10-15 years in age. Beyond this, you might notice a dramatic drop in cooling output and efficiency.
  • Inefficiency. If you’re paying too much on your monthly energy bills for air conditioning, then you might want to replace your system.
  • It’s not your preferred AC type. Some homeowners really want to start investing in heat pump technology and get away from their central air conditioner. This is the perfect reason to replace your system.
  • Comfort. If your air conditioner isn’t keeping you comfortable to your liking, then what’s the point of paying for it?
  • Frequent issues. Frequent, almost yearly, issues are another sign that your air conditioner needs to be replaced. Plus, this can weigh down your budget and cause stress when not addressed.

Reasons to Keep Your AC

Here are a few good reasons why you might want to just call us for repairs instead of investing in a whole system replacement.

  • It’s relatively new. A newer AC isn’t suffering from wear and tear like an older one would.
  • It works just fine. If it works well otherwise, then it might just need a quick fix.
  • You’re happy with it. This is great news. You should feel lucky that your air conditioner makes you happy with the comfort it provides.
  • Your budget doesn’t allow for a new AC. This is unfortunately a reality for a lot of homeowners. Don’t fret—let’s re-evaluate your budget in a few months and see if replacement might be an option then.

Contact Facemyer Air Conditioning and Heating for a comfort consultation today. Exceeding Your Expectations With Comfort.

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