It’s Time to Switch From Cooling to Heating Mode

hvac tech

We know that it’s not really heating season yet, but those chilly temperatures will creep up on us faster than a villain in a horror movie! For homeowners with heat pumps, this transition can be quick and easy from cooling to heating, but the only problem is that it has to be done manually. A heat pump isn’t going to know when it’s time to heat your home for the rest of the year, and it’s definitely not going to tell you when it’s supposed to switch. Homeowners need to know when to switch from cooling mode to heating mode, and today we’ll give you details on how.

Don’t forget that this could be the perfect opportunity to invest in heat pump repairs in Sanford, FL. If you notice that your heat pump isn’t switching from cooling mode to heating mode properly, then there might be room for improvement. Our team can help you with fast and reliable repairs—just call us!

A Step By Step Guide to Transitioning Into Heating Mode

The point of this blog post is not about getting your home warm right now. You can probably walk around your neighborhood and still feel too warm, so we understand how it might seem like we’re jumping the gun. But eventually, temperatures will get chilly (especially at night) and we’re just trying to help you prepare for when this happens.

Down below, we’ve listed a step-by-step guide to ensure your heat pump is set to the right mode and that it’s not encountering any problems.

  1. Change your system’s air filter. Firstly, before you do anything, shut the heat pump off and replace the air filter. We know it sounds like we’re being nit-picky, but this is a vital thing you need to do for your system and this is the perfect time to do it. Once the air filter is changed, then you can continue.
  2. Switch from cooling to heating mode on your thermostat. The most important thing you need to do as a homeowner is switch your heat pump from cooling mode to heating mode on the thermostat. A professional can show you how to do this, or you might remember from the technician who installed your heat pump system.
  3. Make sure your fan is set to AUTO. We get homeowners all the time who call us because their heat pump won’t stop pumping heat into their already warm home. This is because they mistakenly set it to ON instead of AUTO. ON just means that the system will continue to run regardless of your thermostat’s direction. AUTO means that your heat pump will pay attention to the thermostat setting to ensure it’s only heating your home when you want it to. Make sure you set it to AUTO.
  4. Ensure that the system is providing heat before the temperatures drop. Take your system for a test drive! Find out if it’s working to your standards. If it isn’t, or if it’s still blowing cool air into your home, take this opportunity to call our team for support. We can help!

Call Facemyer Air Conditioning and Heating for help with your heat pump system. Exceeding Your Expectations With Comfort.

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