Holiday Season FAQ

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If you haven’t been able to tell yet, the holiday season is right around the corner. Folks are decorating palm trees with lights and ornaments, and you’ve probably got a whole month booked out with family dinners and gift-giving. As your local HVAC company in Sanford, FL, we’d like to wish you a warm holiday season and we hope that you spend as much quality time with those you love as possible.

One thing that does dampen our seasonal spirits is when homeowners think that HVAC service is going to be more expensive or difficult based on misinformation they read or heard somewhere. Tutorials are all over the web, so we can understand why you might think a DIY fix on your AC or heater is a good idea this year.

We’d like to dispel some notions about our business with a handy holiday FAQ!

“How Do I Get the Cheapest Price for Repairs?”

This is a very good question. We’d first like to remind you that “cheapest” isn’t always the best. Amateur HVAC services can often cost you more in the long run, even if the initial price tag is far cheaper than professional services. That’s because amateurs rarely have the extensive training, tools, and experience that we do.

That being said, if professional services seem too expensive, there are tricks to alleviate this. For starters, pay attention to maintenance programs and warranties.

Our maintenance program will grant you savings on repairs and rewards as long as you get your system tuned-up each year at one low cost.

Try purchasing an HVAC system with a warranty so that any repairs needed are covered.

“Why Do I Need to Pay Labor Costs If I Have a Parts Warranty?”

There are specific types of warranties and some of them are listed as “parts warranties” or “parts and labor warranties.” Unfortunately, it’s important to pay attention to the fine print on these warranties so that you’re not taken off-guard by a bill that’s purely labor costs.

Keep in mind that local, family-owned HVAC companies need to stay competitive while paying our employees a fair wage. Sometimes, that’s done via labor costs and it’s a necessary part of doing business.

“Why Do Some Companies Charge a Diagnostic Fee?”

Some companies charge extra for locating and diagnosing the problem in your HVAC system. Lucky for you, we don’t. We believe that diagnosing the problem is a huge part of the service you’re likely already paying for, so we don’t think it’s worth adding an additional fee. Be wary of less-reputable HVAC amateurs who will charge a fortune in hidden fees.

We always give you a trustworthy estimate upfront.

“Why Is a New System So Expensive?”

A new HVAC system isn’t just a bright and shiny system, it’s also a long-term solution. The cost of a new air conditioner, or a replacement system, is going to be much higher than repairs because it represents another 10-15 years of solid, efficient comfort.

It’s important to weigh your options for the long-term and not just the short-term. If you think you’ll get the most worth from a new system, then we absolutely think the price is worth it.

Contact Facemyer Air Conditioning and Heating for more information. Exceeding Your Expectations With Comfort!

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